Rule 1 - Duty to proceed diligently and to act fairly, etc
A member acting as an arbitrator shall proceed diligently to resolve the dispute or disputes between the parties in a just and efficient manner and shall act fairly and impartially and shall give each party a reasonable opportunity of presenting his case.

Rule 2 - Acceptance of an appointment
2.1  A member shall accept an appointment as arbitrator only if he is fully satisfied that he is able to discharge his duties without any influence, fear of criticism, self-interest or bias.
2.2  A member shall accept an appointment as arbitrator only if he is fully satisfied that he is competent to determine the issues in dispute, and has an adequate knowledge of the language of the arbitration.
2.3  A member shall accept an appointment as arbitrator only if he is fully satisfied that he is able to give the arbitration the time and attention which the parties are reasonably entitled to expect.
2.4  A  member shall disclose all facts or circumstances that may give rise to justifiable doubts as to his impartiality or independence, such duty to continue throughout the arbitral proceedings with regard to new facts and circumstances.
2.5   A member when approached for a possible appointment shall disclose -
a) any past or present close relationship or business relationship, whether direct or indirect, with any party to the dispute, or any representative
of any party, or any person known to be a potentially important witness in the arbitration.
b) the extent of any prior knowledge he may have of the dispute.

Rule 3 - Duty to avoid doing anything which is likely to affect impartiality
3.1   After accepting an appointment and while serving as an arbitrator, a member shall avoid entering into any business, professional or personal relationship or acquiring any financial or personal interest which is likely to affect impartiality or which might reasonably create the appearance of impartiality.
3.2  Throughout the arbitral proceedings, a member serving as an arbitrator shall avoid any unilateral communications regarding the case with any party, or his representative.

Rule 4 - Confidentiality
As  arbitration proceedings are confidential, a member serving as an arbitrator shall not at any time use confidential information acquired during the course of an arbitration proceedings to gain any personal advantage or advantage for others, or to affect adversely the interest of another.

Rule 5 - Fees
An arbitrator's fees and expenses must be reasonable taking into account all the circumstances of the case. An arbitrator shall disclose and explain the basis of his fees and expenses to the parties.

Rule 6 - Publicity
Arbitrators may publicise their expertise and experience but shall not actively solicit appointment as arbitrators.
In the event of any dispute between the Parties in connection with or arising out of this Agreement, the Parties shall refer the dispute for mediation by a mediator to be agreed between the Parties or failing agreement, to a person to be appointed as mediator by the President or Vice President for the time being of the Singapore Institute of Arbitrators upon an application therefor made by either party.


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