By submitting your membership renewal, you are deemed to have agreed to the following terms and conditions (as may from time to time be amended by SIArb):

1. You declare that you agree to be bound by the Constitution and Bye-Laws and by any subsequent amendments and/or alterations thereto which may be made from time to time.

2. You also declare that you agree that SIArb may list your name, organisation, designation and membership category in the public membership listing/directory on its website upon approval of your membership.

3. The Council emphasises that membership of the Institute only signifies an individual member’s interest and support of the objectives of arbitration, and does not imply his/her ability to act as arbitrator.

4. You are advised not to hold yourself out as Arbitrator merely by virtue of your being a member of the Institute.

5. By completing this form, you fully consent to the collection, use and disclosure of your personal data as appears in any form, document or electronic template, by SIArb. [CLICK HERE TO READ OUR PRIVACY POLICY]


5.1      Membership and Categories of Membership

5.1.1   Subject to the provisions in this Constitution, membership of the Institute shall be open for application to any individual whose duties, activities, nature or work and/or business are such as to cause him to deal with, participate in, work in, or be exposed to or otherwise have an interest in the area of law and/or practice of arbitration and/or other means of alternative dispute resolution.

5.1.2   The members of the Institute shall consist of the following categories: Associate Members, Members, Fellows, Honorary Fellows and Retired Fellows / Members.

5.1.3   Unless otherwise provided for herein, every application for membership shall be made in a form which shall be prescribed by Council from time to time, seeking such particulars as Council may require and the same shall be submitted to the Honorary Secretary for Council’s due consideration. Council shall have absolute discretion, including whether or not to provide reasons, when approving or rejecting an application for membership having regard to the requirements for admission that are set out in this Constitution and/or Bye-Laws.

5.1.4   All applicants for membership shall satisfy Council of the following criteria:

(i)    Be 21 years of age and over; and

(ii)   Be in all respects a fit and proper person for admission.


5.2    Additional Requirements for Specific Categories of Membership

5.2.1     An applicant seeking admission as an Associate Member shall, in addition to the requirements set out at Clause 5.1.4 of this Constitution, satisfy Council that he has an interest in the law and practice of arbitration and other means of dispute resolution.

5.2.2     An applicant seeking admission as a Member or Fellow shall, in addition to the requirements set out at Clause 5.1.4 of this Constitution, satisfy Council that:

(i) He has knowledge of the law and practice of arbitration sufficient to qualify him for admission by passing such examination(s) as may be prescribed by Council for the category of membership for which the applicant has applied; and

(ii) He has such experience in the practice of arbitration and/or other means of dispute resolution in a profession, occupation or calling as Council may deem sufficient for the category of membership for which the applicant has applied.


5.3    Exemptions

5.3.1     Notwithstanding the requirements for admission to membership that are set out in this Constitution, Council may, in its discretion, provide for such exemptions and/or waivers as may be thought appropriate.


5.6      Obligations and Rights of members

5.6.1   Every member, to the best of his ability, shall be bound to advance the objectives and interests of the Institute and shall observe the terms of this Constitution and Bye-Laws of the Institute as well as all rules and/or codes of conduct formulated by Council that are or may come to be placed in force from time to time.

5.6.2   Save for Honorary Fellows, all members shall pay such application fee and/or annual subscription or any other payment as may from time to time be prescribed by Council.

5.6.3   Subject to the provisions of this Constitution, every member, provided that he shall not be in arrears in the payment of any monies due and payable to the Institute, shall be entitled to receive notification of and to attend all General Meetings.

5.6.4   Only Fellows and Members shall be entitled to vote at General Meetings and to stand for and be elected onto Council. 

5.6.5   Only Fellows and Members shall be entitled to requisition for an Extraordinary General Meeting.

5.6.6   Every Honorary Fellow or Fellow or Member or Associate Member shall be entitled to affix the designation (respectively) “Hon.FSIArb” or “FSIArb” or “MSIArb” or “ASIArb” after his name. Retired Fellows and Retired Members shall be entitled to affix the designation “FSIArb (Retd)” or “MSIArb (Retd)” after his name as the case may be.

5.6.7   The privileges of a member shall be personal to himself and shall not be transferable and all such privileges shall cease immediately upon the removal of the member's name from the Register.


With effect from 29 Sept 2022

PAYMENT FOR MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL (All amounts payable in Singapore Dollars)
Please select one
Name as per Membership Record


How to make payment

  1. Please indicate clearly your name.
  2. Click "Pay Now" to proceed to next page.
  3. Enter description and the amount payable and click "Update" .
  4. Enter your credit card details.
Member's Name
PAYMENT FOR MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION (All amounts payable in Singapore Dollars)
Please select one
Name as per Membership Record


The benefits accorded to the members of the Singapore Institute of Arbitrators include:
Professional Recognition 
  (ASIArb, MSIArb, FSIArb) and Listing on our Website
Panel Memberships
  (Panel of Arbitrators & Panel of Tutors)
Committee Membership
Continuing Professional Development
  (Conferences, Arbitration Symposium, Seminars, Courses & Workshops)
Professional Code of Conduct & Ethics
  (Guidance on Professional Practice, Code of Conduct & Arbitration Rules)
Professional Networking
  (Members’ Nite, post-seminar drinks, Annual Dinner)
Updates on the Law & Practice of Arbitration
  (Quarterly E-Newsletters, 2 issues of the SIArb Arbitration Journal per year, and discounted rates at Seminars & Conferences)

Latest Events

01 Jul 2024
SIArb Young Practitioners Network Mentoring Programme 2024
21 Nov 2024 - 21 Nov 2024
11:30AM - 10:30PM
SIArb 14th Annual Commercial Arbitration Symposium & Annual Dinner 2024
26 Nov 2024 - 26 Nov 2024
05:30PM - 08:30PM
SIArb Annual Debate 2024

Events Calendar

October 2024
29 30 1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18 19
20 21 22 23 24 25 26
27 28 29 30 31 1 2

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